
How to remove Microsoft edge tab from Internet explorer 11 - Windows 10 15063

New Windows 10 15063 comes with some new features but one of these new features is Microsoft edge tab in Internet explorer 11. You can disable this option in local group policy. Click on start button then run and type gpedit.msc Find this policy: User Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Internet Explorer - Internet Settings - Advanced Settings - Browsing and open option Hide the Button (next to the New Tab button)that opens Microsoft Edge and click Enable + Ok. That's it. Bye bye

Cisco VPN client and Windows 10 Problems (Solved)

After I am install windows 10 I was problem with Cisco VPN connection. This is some fix that I am found: First error: "Error: Secure VPN connection terminated by Peer. Reason 433 (Reason not specified by peer)" To solve this error you must first uninstall at all CiscoVPN client and restart your computer. After that download CiscoVPNpack from this site and extract pack from zip file. 1. first run winfix.exe and after one minute and message about restart you must RESTART computer 2. install file from sonic32 or depend your sistem and RESTART computer. 3. install CiscoVPN client x32 or x64 depend your sistem and RESTART your computer. Files neaded for this solution: winfix.exe, GVCInstall32 or 64.msi (from sonic32 or, vpnclient-win-msi- or version for 64bit system. After this few step try to configure your client and connect to site. Second error: "Reason 442: Failed to Enable Virtual Adapter" Open your Windows Regi...

Find hard disk bad sectors (error 7) if exist on remote computers - Script 2017

This is one great script to find bad sectors if exist on remote computers list. #Format Excel sheet [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = New-Object "System.Globalization.CultureInfo" "en-US" $objExcel = New-Object -comobject Excel.Application  $objExcel.visible = $True  $objWorkbook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Add()  $objSheet = $objWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1)  $objSheet.Cells.Item(1,1) = "Server"  $objSheet.Cells.Item(1,2) = "LogName"  $objSheet.Cells.Item(1,3) = "EventID"  $objSheet.Cells.Item(1,4) = "Date"  $objSheet.Cells.Item(1,5) = "Message"  $objSheetFormat = $objSheet.UsedRange  $objSheetFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = 19  $objSheetFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 11  $objSheetFormat.Font.Bold = $True $row = 1 $servers = gc C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Desktop\machines.txt foreach ($server in $servers)  {  $row = $row + 1  $objSheet.Cells.Item($row,1).Font.Bold = $True ...

Slow android mobile - Clean your android tips and tricks 2016

Well, I was use mobile with android for many years and one of problems with android is that becomes slower after some time - month or year of use. I have some helpful tips for android users. Android is like windows require maintain like any other os. There are some useful stuff that we can do.  When I was bay new mobile with android first that I was do I am disabled some apps. Go to settings - General - Apps and scroll from right to left for All apps list and disable if you don't need: 1 Android System WebView 2 Chrome 3 Drive 4 Google App 5 Google Play Games 6 Google Play Movies & TV 7 Google Play Music 8 Google Play Newsstand 9 Google + 10 Hangout 11 Internet (default browser) 12 Maps Just click on any of this app then click uninstall updates, force stop and button Disable. I was disable all of this google apps and I have more free space on mobile, more memory. I was disable all of this apps but user can leave some apps like chrome... I was replace chrom...

Determine what service pack is installed on remote computers.

This is script with you can determine which service pack is installed on remote computers: $Catalog = GC "C:\scripts\computers_list.Txt" ForEach($Machine in $Catalog) {$QueryString = Gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem -Comp $Machine Write-Host $Machine ":" $QueryString.caption "Service Pack: " $querystring.servicepackmajorversion}

PowerShell to export desired Active Directory Group Members to a CVS File

This is simple script for choose some Active Directory group and export members that belong selected AD group to CSV file.   Get-ADGroupMember “YOUR GROUP” | Select Name, SamAccountName | Export-Csv -Path “C:\Temp\Output.csv” -NoTypeInformation

Domain user password expire check with script

This is very simple script for pasword expire check : @echo "____________________________________________________" @echo "| Password expire checker by Amir |" @echo "|__________________________________________________|" @echo "" @echo "" @echo "INPUT USERNAME" @echo off set /p input=Type input: net user %input% /domain pause