
Showing posts from January, 2014

PowerShell to export desired Active Directory Group Members to a CVS File

This is simple script for choose some Active Directory group and export members that belong selected AD group to CSV file.   Get-ADGroupMember “YOUR GROUP” | Select Name, SamAccountName | Export-Csv -Path “C:\Temp\Output.csv” -NoTypeInformation

Domain user password expire check with script

This is very simple script for pasword expire check : @echo "____________________________________________________" @echo "| Password expire checker by Amir |" @echo "|__________________________________________________|" @echo "" @echo "" @echo "INPUT USERNAME" @echo off set /p input=Type input: net user %input% /domain pause

Script for remote cancel all print job

This is simple scripts for cancel all print job with psexec tool on remote computer without log in on remote computer. You must be local administrator on remote mashine. @echo "____________________________________________________" @echo "| Remote Print cancel           V1.0 by Amir |" @echo "|                                                  |" @echo "|To finnish session, type 'EXIT'!                  |" @echo "|__________________________________________________|" @echo "" @echo "" @echo "INPUT REMOTE COMPUTER NAME" @echo off set /p input=Type input: c:\pstools\psexec.exe -s \\%input% -c \\...